Raleigh Divorce Arbitration Attorneys
Though many divorces are taken care of through uncontested settlements, some Raleigh couples are not able to reach an agreement on divorce terms and require legal action to settle. However, this does not mean that every couple has to go to court and do battle with their spouse. Divorce arbitration provides an alternative to court that allows couples to resolve their divorce settlement disagreements without an extensive, expensive court trial. Instead of a judge hearing a case in court, an objective third party – an arbiter – hears the case from each party and then makes a decision.
The Raleigh divorce arbitration attorneys of Marshall & Taylor PLLC, can help divorcees make sure that their case and their rights are properly represented, should they decide to choose arbitration to settle. This way, Raleigh clients are entirely prepared to present their cases for the best possible result from a divorce.
Benefits of Divorce Arbitration
As contested divorces can result in animosity and extended legal battles, arbitration provides an alternative that may allow couples to part in a friendlier manner with decisive, legally binding terms. In particular, some benefits of divorce arbitration include:
- Selection of arbiter by the couple
- Avoidance of a nasty and public court battle
- Saving a little money (court is expensive)
- Time-sensitive arbitration: you pick the time of meeting
These benefits have convinced many Raleigh couples that divorce arbitration is the best way to settle their divorce settlement disagreements, and an experienced divorce attorney can help you decide if this choice is right for you.
Contact a Divorce Arbitration Lawyer in Raleigh
If you are considering divorce arbitration in your own case, discuss your options with a family law attorney today. Speak with the Raleigh divorce arbitration legal team at Marshall & Taylor PLLC, to learn more about protecting your rights. Call our Raleigh office at (919) 833-1040 to get started today.