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NC church pastor commits adultery, will divorce

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After just nine months of heading North Carolina’s West Presbyterian Church, 33-year-old Reverend Reggie and his wife Ashley-Anne Masters plan to undergo divorce proceedings due to his adultery, The Christian Post reported on May 19.

Almost the entire time he served as a pastor for the 2000-member congregation, he carried on an affair with an unnamed woman. Salem Presbytery, a regional governing council for Presbyterian churches, sent his church a letter of apology from Masters. He assured that the mistress was not a member of the congregation. He apologized to those who considered him a moral religious leader and asked for their forgiveness.

If you decide to undergo divorce proceeding in Raleigh, our attorneys at Marshall & Taylor PLLC may legally assist you in the process in a discreet, thorough, and expedited manner. The best interests of our clients is always prioritized. Call our offices today at (919) 833-1040 to discuss your situation.