(919) 752-3088
Jeff Marshall is a board certified specialist in Family Law
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Board Certified Specialist in Family law.
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Advantages of Pursuing a Fault Divorce

In North Carolina, separating couples are able to legally pursue either a no-fault divorce or a fault divorce. While it may seem like obtaining a no-fault divorce is easier because it does not require either of the partners to show that the other party committed an action responsible for the dissolution of the marriage, a fault divorce may provide the party least at-fault a number of benefits they would not otherwise obtain in a no-fault divorce.

If you are considering divorce and are unsure what action to take next or what kind of divorce may be best for you, contact the Raleigh divorce lawyers of the Marshall & Taylor PLLC, at (919) 833-1040. Our attorneys are knowledgeable about the many intricacies of divorce and can advise you so that you can make the right choice for your situation.

Potential Benefits

Fault divorces typically assign blame for a divorce on one of the partners, unless both parties are determined to be somewhat at fault for the divorce. If you are the person who is deemed faultless or less at-fault, you could receive certain benefits, including:

  • Receiving a larger portion of property
  • Receiving a larger portion of assets
  • Advantage in custody disputes
  • Avoiding the required period of separation

These could make a significant difference in your divorce settlement, helping you to obtain closure and move on with your life.

Contact Us

At the Marshall & Taylor Law Firm, P.C., our Raleigh divorce attorneys will strive to make the pursuit of a fault divorce as painless as possible. Contact us by calling(919) 833-1040 today to discuss your circumstances with a capable and committed legal representative.